Sustainable Sue Travels for Work
While travel is fun, I love being home so so much. But you know what is rude? Reading a book while eating dinner with your loved ones. Or anyone really.
Therefore, when I travel alone I indulge all my bookish, introverted habits. Here is a sneak peak into how a Sustainable Sue travels for work.
Coming and Going
It starts in the airport – where no one is in control over anything. I always hit the Read and Return for a book. Sometimes the airport has surprises like this one did with its wall of Jelly Belly candy dispensers. Cotton candy jelly beans and a book? Yes please!

I often hear people – especially women – say that they would never eat in a restaurant alone. They say that they would feel too weird, like people were staring at them. This is why I take along 4-5 close friends in whatever book I am reading at the moment. Choosing to eat WHATEVER I want, WHENEVER I want it, then reading while I eat? Yes please!

Business of Work
Of course the purpose for the travel is to get work done. While this usually requires onsite at a facility, sometimes since travel spits me out at weird times I have flexibility to work outside of a facility for a block of the day. I cannot be trusted in a hotel room alone with HGTV so I love to find a library to work in. Coffee shops are fun too, but I find larger tables at the library. Library energy and a latte? Yes please!

Sustainable You Reflections
When you know you have a less than comfortable situation coming up (travel or just going to the grocery story – whatever it is for you), what can you do to soften the blow?
Until next time remember to create productive results in a way that you can sustain and that work for you.