What SusPro is Not
Let’s pause for a moment in our personal growth to clarify what Sustainable Productivity is NOT.
Getting More Done
The Sustainably Productive (Sus Pro) life is not about getting more done.
I repeat – it is NOT about getting MORE done.
It is about getting the right things done in a way that you can maintain over time so that you don’t need to numb yourself to live your life.
It is right there in the name: Sustainable Productivity. SusPro for short.
Productive: Are you getting the intended result?
Sustainable: Can you continue this over time?
A Sustainably Productive life is one you don’t need to escape.
A Destination
A SusPro life is not a destination. It is something you can do now. Today. This moment. Start by asking yourself 2 questions:
- Is this working for me?
- Can I maintain it for life if I want to?
If the answer to either of these questions is no, then it is time to make adjustments. These adjustments are also part of the SusPro life. It is a path to walk, not a place to go. Start where you are.
Protection Against Bad Things Happening
The third thing SusPro is not is protection against bad things happening. Living a SusPro life is not about perfection – you will probably backslide into overcommitting or people pleasing. It does not mean you won’t sometimes feel prickly or judgy. But prickly and judgy is neither productive nor sustainable. Don’t stop here.
What I would like to suggest is that when bad things happen, when you feel prickly and judgy – that is a time to take stock in what you have and how far you have come. This is the time to rest on your laurels and find gratitude.
Your Turn
What is your version of prickly and judgy? How do you know when you need to pause and be grateful? What are you grateful for today, in this moment?