Eye of the Storm – Come Back Stronger
About five years ago I had 2 orthopedic surgeries back to back and was in a boot for over 3 months. Translation: No exercise.
We sold our house, but could not settle on a new one to buy so we moved into an apartment. Translation: No gardening.
Since I could not drive because of the boot, I worked remotely for 12 weeks. From the uncomfortable rented couch while Bixby had a desk set up in our bedroom (see previous apartment woes) about 15 feet away. Translation: No alone time.
Considering all of the above we naturally thought it was the perfect time to get a puppy. Translation: No quiet.

My mother-in-law and grandmother-in-law came to the rescue with a bedside garden. This kit was really dummy proof, but I ignored that fact and really felt accomplished when this amaryllis bloomed to life.

Later that year we moved into our new home. I decided to just observe the new yard for the first year to see what I was dealing with before starting to plant much. Plus there was not a lot of free time – puppies, am I right?! The amaryllis stayed on my night stand.
The next year I planted it in the yard and nothing happened. I was pretty sure I killed it. Never in my life did I think it would come back stronger. And then, though the magic of Mother Nature, the amaryllis came back with a vengeance. A glorious, rich red vengeance.

I have thought of this often this year. 2020 has been difficult to say the least. But we can learn from Nature.
- Growth that you are not even aware of can be happening underneath, out of sight.
- There is a difference between death and dormancy.
- Sometimes what shows up after that dormancy is a truer version of the original.
- A season of rest will help us come back stronger.
Are you in a hard season right now? That season might be a Tuesday, COVID-19 quarantine, the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, or all of these wrapped together in a neat package called 2020.
I would like to suggest you take a moment to breathe and think about a time when all seemed lost and gone only to have it flourish even better than before.
Like Fawkes in the Harry Potter series, sometimes we have to go through the ugly phase in order to rise from the ashes better than before.
Like the amaryllis in my garden, sometimes we have to be dormant for a time to come back stronger and more beautiful.