A Land More Kind Than Home – Wiley Cash

Rating: 4 stars

Cliff Notes: Get past the dry start, and you will not be disappointed.

Full Summary: It took me about 10-15% to get into the story, as it sometimes does with stories told in flashback type of format. But once I got hooked, it was hard to put it down. This local author really captures the people and makes the mountains a character all of its own in the book. I felt how desperate and sad everyone was in this story.

a land more kind than home Wiley Cash
By |2019-12-12T19:08:35-05:00May 29th, 2019|Mental Well-being|0 Comments

The Sweet By and By – Todd Johnson

Rating – 3 stars (would have done 3.75 if Goodreads allowed partial stars).

Cliff Notes – This was a sweet little book that round house kicks you in the head with its turn of phrase when you are not looking. North Carolina author.

Full Review – I admire when a male author can nail a female point of view so well. Would have rated higher but it just got wordy when it didn’t need to be. Some of the phrases from the characters were just gut punches and I loved them.

“Mother’s grief was a well that dried up so slowly that it eventually became useless to her, meaning that it had run it course and no longer had a purpose.” 

“The only exceptions for which we turn our heads, offer no understanding, and willingly excommunicate all offenders are sickness and aging. We can tolerate neither so we do our best to obliterate both. Poverty could also be on that list, although at least money and resources can remedy that. But as Mama always says, ‘I don’t care you who you are, Sick and Old are coming to see you whether you invite em or not.’

By |2019-12-12T19:36:12-05:00May 13th, 2019|Mental Well-being|0 Comments
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