Quick Sustainable Productivity PSA
I know some of you are planners like me. I want to give a quick little PSA about sustainable productivity as we head into the weekend. Let me share a little story about last weekend.
All I wanted to do was set up the tripod and try to capture a few good snaps of the hummingbirds that visit our feeder. I was the first one awake so it was deafeningly quiet. It was a little chilly so I put on my hoodie. It was day 93 in quarantine so naturally I went outside in my pajamas. I was ready for peace and quiet…
Let’s just say Lucille’s agenda was verrrrrrry different from mine. She wanted to play ALL OF THE FETCH.

If you zoom in you can see the muddy slobber on my pajama pants from where she insisted she return the ball to my lap.
I never really got a great shot of the hummingbirds, but it was fun to watch Lucille tear around the yard living her best life. She doesn’t know that “Hummingbird Photo” has been on my to do list for 3 years. What if we listen to Lucille’s Life Lesson and had such a blatant disregard for our to do lists that we just ran amok mindlessly in love with life?
Doesn’t that sound much better than the daily grind? Sure we all have adult responsibilities, but if something has been on your list for YEARS, is it really worth getting bent out of shape about? Let’s take a minute to consider this over the weekend. If you are brave enough – cross something off that list without doing it. “Delegate to the floor” as they say in corporate America.
If you are not sure what to delegate to the floor, I invite you to download the Sustainability Checklist to see if it might shake loose some ideas for you.