Episode 37: Digital Clutter Deep Dive

As recent at 20 years ago “digital clutter” would not even have been on our radar, let alone a component of a Sustainably Productive life. Cell phones, tablets, laptops, and digital assistants are set up for home or work or both. Kids are getting devices at younger ages and schools are embracing digital learning environments. Episode 24 took a deeper look at physical clutter and this episode will take the same deeper look at digital clutter.

Here is what you can expect to hear on the episode:

  1. Sustainable Sue vs. 50-foot smoking hot Margot Robbie
  2. The rise of data obesity and why it matters
  3. Practical suggestions to start to tame the digital clutter

Search for “Sustainable Productivity with Susan Sanders” everywhere podcasts are available.

Links to Learn More

Links mentioned in this episode of the Sustainable Productivity podcast:

We would love to hear from you. Send your feedback on the episode, suggestions for future show topics or guests, and anything else to Susan@SustainableSue.com or in a DM on Instagram.

By |2023-10-16T12:22:53-04:00October 16th, 2023|Show Notes|0 Comments

Episode 28: The SMART Way to Tackle Digital Clutter

Digital clutter impacts our health and wellness as much as physical clutter. It IS part of our environmental surroundings. Digital clutter covers communication like emails, texts, DMs, and voicemails (for those of us who are dinosaurs that still leave and accept VMs), social media including Snaps, likes and saved ideas from Facebook, Instagram or TikTok; photos on your phone, on your computer or in the cloud (not to mention what has been sent to you in shared files, texts, emails and DMs). Then there are all of the digital files and folders.

I have been trying various tips and tricks for a couple years to try to dial into what will be sustainably productive for me to finally get on top of this digital clutter. I think I have a system and that is what I want to share with you. What habits and actions I do each week to manage the digital clutter. 

Here is what you can expect in this episode:

  1. A 5-step process for tackling digital clutter.
  2. A real life example of what Sustainable Sue does each week to tackle digital clutter.
  3. The SMART way to tackle any habit change.

Listen at the link below or search for “Sustainable Productivity with Susan Sanders” everywhere podcasts are available.

Links to Learn More

Here is the list I work from each session of digital clean up. Not to mention… graph paper to do list for the win!

Links mentioned in this episode of the Sustainable Productivity podcast:

We would love to hear from you. Send your feedback on the episode, suggestions for future show topics or guests, and anything else to Susan@SustainableSue.com or in a DM on Instagram.

By |2023-08-14T08:31:01-04:00August 14th, 2023|Show Notes|0 Comments

Episode 24: 10 Tips for Conquering Clutter

When we talk about physical clutter we are talking about two kinds – paper and objects. Paper and objects both come into your life for different reasons and hold different meaning. These are the stacks of papers that don’t ever seem to be filed or the influx of children’s artwork that you can’t stand to throw away, but also can’t stand to have stacked on the dining room table. This is the lack of systems that make you miss paying a bill. These are the gifts that you received / inherited that you did not like but feel the need to keep. We are talking about the paper and objects that make you feel weighed down when you see them. This is what we mean when we refer to clutter. 

Here is what you can expect in this episode:

  1. How many hours you lose to lost things and what it means for your physical health and wallet.
  2. Real life examples and how all dimensions of Sustainable Productivity are impacted.
  3. Practical suggestions to slowly but surely address the clutter.

Listen at the link below or search for “Sustainable Productivity with Susan Sanders” everywhere podcasts are available.

Links to Learn More

Links mentioned in this episode of the Sustainable Productivity podcast:

We would love to hear from you. Send your feedback on the episode, suggestions for future show topics or guests, and anything else to Susan@SustainableSue.com or in a DM on Instagram.

By |2023-07-17T08:12:49-04:00July 17th, 2023|Show Notes|0 Comments

Episode 23: Managing Media with an Eye Toward Sustainability

This week’s focus is the impact of media on your personal productivity. Media is a component of the Environmental Surroundings dimension along with clutter. Basically all the inputs that are physically and virtually in your environment – news, movies, books, TV, podcasts, social media, and magazines that you take in on a daily basis.  Learn from  Jose Ortega y Gassett: “Tell me to what you pay attention and I will tell you who you are.”

Ignoring media altogether is not sustainable – there are productivity gains to be had from its consumption. But you need to understand what is coming in and what it is doing to your productivity in the long run.

Here is what you can expect in this episode:

  1. Learn what science shows is the impact of media in your body at a cellular level.
  2. Recommended ceilings of time to consume on various types of media – think Food Guide Pyramid of media.
  3. Practical suggestions to make media work for you, not against you.

The Media Pyramid as described in the episode. Read the full article by Faris Yakob at this link.

Listen at the link below or search for “Sustainable Productivity with Susan Sanders” everywhere podcasts are available.

Links to Learn More

Links mentioned in this episode of the Sustainable Productivity podcast:

We would love to hear from you. Send your feedback on the episode, suggestions for future show topics or guests, and anything else to Susan@SustainableSue.com or in a DM on Instagram.

By |2023-07-10T07:36:22-04:00July 10th, 2023|Show Notes|0 Comments
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